1947, Roswell, investigates the famous history of the Roswell UFO incident. Diverting from the overtly quirky, cosmic, outlandish portrayal that this event typically invokes, these images follow the intimate narrative that played out after two young lovers encountered the alleged UFO crash. The images loosely trace their story through the crash, the investigation, and the months following. In looking at this section of a story that is deeply engrained in our cultural consciousness, the images expose parts of this past that still feel so relevant today—the way that the government withholds information and the skepticism that was bred and continues to live between our government and the public. By subtlety distorting notions of mid-century Americana wholesomeness—such as the cops and donuts reference, which doubles as a reference to the aesthetics of flying saucers—the fabric of society begins to come unthreaded. Skepticism arises around our notions of what is true and the trust that we instill in images, by exposing the photograph as not just a documentation but also a falsification.
Selected exhibitions of this work:
2019 Eyes on Main Street Festival, Wilson, NC
2017 Clickbait, The Front, New Orleans, LA
2017 Thread Count, Der Grief, CO-OP, Unseen Amsterdam, Amsterdam
2015 1947, Roswell, Aviary Gallery (solo)
2015 Grants Exhibition, Light Work, Syracuse, NY